Silicated Organic Acid Technology (Si-OAT) Coolant Additive Maintenance Procedures

Detroit™ recommends following the manufacturer's recommendations as to minimum and maximum limits.

Freeze Point Check

To best measure the quality of anti-freeze coolant, a check of the freeze point (glycol concentration), by refractometer, should be performed at each service interval to ensure anti-freeze levels are within specification. Detroit™ requires a freeze point between -31°C and -42°C (-24°F and -44°F) to guarantee optimal engine protection. The exception would be certain regions that require a freeze point of (-51°C) -60°F to protect against colder climates.

Laboratory Testing

Laboratory testing is the best practice for determining Silicated Organic Acid technology (Si-OAT) coolant quality and will provide vital information regarding the engine performance.

Document Number:0000008059