Appendix A - Definitions


A substance that is added to the water in a vehicle’s cooling system that lowers the freeze point to prevent freezing. The two most common antifreezes are ethylene glycol (EG) and propylene glycol (PG).


A fluid that transfers heat from the engine by circulation.

Extended Life Coolant (ELC): AKA - Long-Life Coolant or Organic Acid Technology:

These types of coolants have been formulated to extend the service interval of the coolant. Example of ELC is Power Cool Plus.

Fully Formulated:

Antifreeze that contains all the necessary inhibitors to protect a diesel engine and does not, therefore, require a pre-charge of Supplemental Coolant Additive before its first use.


The coolant that is used in a new or rebuilt engine, or used any time the cooling system is emptied and then refilled with new coolant.

Standard Life Coolant (SLC): AKA - Fully-Formulated or Conventional Coolant:

These types of coolants use supplemental coolant additives (SCA) to protect against corrosion or mechanical wear. Example of SLC is Power Cool.

Supplemental Coolant Additive:

An additive used in a preventive maintenance program to prevent corrosion, cavitation, and the formation of deposits.

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