Used Lubricating Oil Analysis

Used Lubricating Oil Analysis - BRO-0001

Detroit™ Genuine Oil Analysis, or used-oil analysis, program is recommended for all engines. Oil analysis consists of laboratory tests to indicate conditions of the engine and/or the lubricant. The “Warning Limits” are listed in Table “Single Sample Used-Oil Analysis Warning Limits.” Oil analysis cannot completely assess the lubricating oil and should not be used to maximize oil drain intervals. Change oil immediately if contamination exceeds warning limits listed below.

Single Sample Used-Oil Analysis Warning Limits
Characteristics ASTM or Other Methods Conditions Measured 40, 50, 60 55 MBE 900 MBE 4000 DD5, DD8, DD13, DD15, DD16
Viscosity at 100 °C, cSt, Min

D 445

DIN 51562

Engine & Oil 12.5 SAE 15W-40 / 9.3 SAE 10W-30/5W-30
Viscosity at 100 °C, cSt, Max

D 445

DIN 51562

Engine & Oil 21.9 SAE 15W-40 / 12.5 SAE 10W-30/5W-30
Soot, %* E1131 Engine Combustion 4.5†
Glycol, Max


DIN 51375

Engine Negative
Water, Max E203 Engine 3,000 ppm
Fuel Dilution, Max D7953 Engine 2.5% 7%
Fe, Max ‡ D5185 Engine Wear 200 ppm
Al Max‡ D5185 Engine Wear 30 ppm 50 ppm
Si Max‡ D5185 Engine Wear 30 ppm 50 ppm
Cu, Max§ D5185 Engine Wear 30 ppm 50 ppm
Pb, Max‡ D5185 Engine Wear 30 ppm 10 ppm
Na, Max ‡ D5185 Engine Coolant Leak 100 ppm
K, Max § D5185 Engine Coolant Leak 150 ppm
* Infrared spectroscopy (ASTM E 168/DIN 51452) may also be used, provided it is calibrated to be equivalent to the TGA method.
† With Detroit Fluids Specification approved oils.
‡ These are general limits. Wear metal limits must be determined for specific application and oil used.
§ Results may exceed limits during engine break-in period; see Oil Analysis During Engine Break-In Period for more information.
NOTE: These limits are intended as guidance when a single oil sample is tested and the limits are based on the normal oil drain intervals listed in Table "Maximum Oil Drain and Filter Change for Series 60, MBE 4000, DD5, DD8, DD13, DD15, and DD16 using Detroit Fluids Specification 93K218, DFS 93K223, DFS 93K222, Approved Oils with ULSD Fuel." Actual limits are dependent on engine, application, drain interval and oil type.
    Document Number: 0000009864
    Manual Publication Date: 2024-01-03
    Topic Publication Date: 2023-12-10